Hi my
family, Dang I miss you guys so much. Heavenly Father truly loves us. Today is
our P-day so I was not on yesterday. I needed your letter so he made sure I got
it. Yay! We went to the temple today which is always good.
week was a very trying week for me. We don't have a lot of investigators and we
are not getting a lot of lessons. It is stressful because when we are not busy
I struggle with the natural man inside of me and I get a lot of mixed feelings
about myself. I talked with another sister on exchanges this week, and she told
me that maybe this transfer is not about the work as much as it is about my
companion. So I have been trying to just let go of control and let Heavenly
Father guide me with what I am supposed to do. So I am working on that and
it is a lot harder than it sounds! Being humbled and changed really is a
refiners fire. I hope I will be in the cooling stages soon.
But other than
that. I am in serious investigator love! I love K, our golden investigator.
I told her to call us anytime because she is trying to quit smoking. So I get a
call Friday morning before we woke up. She said that she is trying to avoid
her morning cigarette and she needed our help. So we went to her house and went
on a walk with her. May I remind you that we have not even taught this girl the
Word of Wisdom yet. So we go on walks with her now. On the walk she told me
that she knows that the Book of Mormon and Bible are meant to be together and
that she knows it is true. She wasn't supposed to quit smoking until this
Friday, but she did it a week early! So awesome! I also had a nice experience
with her. I bore my testimony about the Book of Mormon on the walk and I said
"I really love the Book of Mormon" and she said "Yeah, I know
you do. I get goosebumps every time you say it." I tried to give myself
credit here and realize that maybe my testimony is my talent. I am grateful for
that, it is way better than playing sports or something. :)
Our only other
investigator went to a baptism this weekend! So that was super awesome. She
cried and totally loved it. She kept saying "right on!" under her breath,
it made me laugh. And now she is going to the Ward temple day on Friday! I am
excited for that. I love the investigators we have. I just wish we had a few
more lessons.
My companion got your package and she was happy. Thank you for
doing that! We had a nice Easter. I had fun
because Sister Matheus has never done Easter stuff so we dyed eggs and I got to
play Easter Bunny! I was pretty excited. I just sat there eating my peeps and
laughing as my companion tried to find all the eggs. I think she thought it was
the weirdest things ever! Then we went over to our members house for dinner and
we got to paint more eggs. and guess what they had for dinner? Roast Beef and
Mashed Potatoes! YES!!! I was so happy! I missed my Jam and rolls though. And
then we went to another members house and they made us eat more dessert and
they gave us our own Easter basket...soo much candy...But it was a lot of fun.
lovely Family came to church so I was a happy camper. Today at the temple this
lady walked into the chapel and she said something about how there was a
General Authority coming and we all got excited...nobody came. But I always
love the temple it was great.
also thought that you would be interested to know that I have been getting out
of my comfort zone a lot. Because we are the only Sisters in the zone and my
comp doesn't talk much I have to hold my own with choke boys! It has been fun
to tease the Elders. There is a running joke that has carried over from my last
area, that because I am so nice and quiet that I must have a dark past. So
apparently before my mission I was a government assassin. So I have been playing
along; it has been fun. When our companion goes home after we are their
companion we say that you killed your companion so the elders have been saying
how I am going to kill this Elder instead of his companion. It was funny. Also
my companion has never driven a car, So I have had to drive everywhere! So in
the last 2 weeks I have driven to Pearl Harbor and back and Honolulu and back
twice. So I have fully experienced rush hour traffic and annoying people on the
freeway! I still don't enjoy it much, but I did it! I especially hate parking.
Not fun for me at all. So you can be proud of me. I am trying to be a big girl.
I still miss my mommy and daddy but I think I might survive.
love you all and miss you so much. We get to talk in like 3 weeks! YAY! Thank
you for the prayers I really need them. And P.S I have only got one letter in
the mail this transfer from someone other than my parents...just so you know...
So, it was another crazy week! Some good, some not as good. It started out good
because we had interviews with President Warner and I really loved talking to
him. He made me feel really good. He was telling me how he can really trust me
and that he feels like he can put me anywhere with anyone and I will do a good
job.He told me that I am a really good missionary, It really means a lot coming
from him. I am trying to feel worthy of all this praise. I feel like I am
messing up so much and then a member or someone says how good of a missionary I
am. I am trying hard to not do what I normally do and try to learn how to take
a compliment, It is kinda hard, but Heavenly Father knows everything and he has
such a sense of humor because I have found lately that I have been teaching
people how not to do things that I do all the time. I told a lady the
other day "Don't think that you have to be perfect that is not a
requirement" and then I was like oh.... yeah....that applies to me
too. Ugh!
Training is hard. I am especially struggling because she
does not know English and I don't really know how to teach it to her. She gets
frustrated sometimes and usually I just have her read the Book of Mormon in her language and then English. Suggestions are welcome. She is improving, though. She works really hard, so she will get it.
But a really
cool thing happened. We went to lunch with this member and he gave us a referral. He said they called him and asked him to send the missionaries
over, so we went over and knocked on the door and the Lady opened and said
"I have been waiting for you!" She let us in and she was very
emotional, She is going through a very hard time. So she said she needs help
and her extended family said we could help. She asked if we could help her and
we said, "Yes! That was only Tuesday and we are already best friends with her.
She and her family came to dinner at a member's house and she came to one
session of conference yesterday. She almost didn't come, but in between we ran to
her house to get her to come and she did. She is really awesome. She has a lot
to work through, and it is going to take a lot of work, but it will be great. I
think her whole family is ready.
I really love my ward though. I love the
people that we are working with. Whenever I need a little boost they love me
and make me feel better. I was feeling a little down yesterday, we went to a
members house and I felt much better. Anyways I also figured out that my last
ward no longer exists, they changed boundaries and took away Kailua 2nd ward.
So that is kinda sad, but good. The work will move a lot faster there. I also
learned that President might be shutting down my first area, Kahala, because there is not enough work happening there. Kinda crazy!
I loved Conference! I
don't really know which one is my favorite. I really liked one of the ones
given by a member of the 70. The one who went right before the guy who sounded
liked Dracula :) I think. It started with a C. I liked his because he taught
all of the missionary lessons in his talk, very simply and beautifully. Our
investigator was there for that one-it was awesome! I am going to read his talk
over and over so I can teach like him. I would also like to mention that I have
not got any letters in the mail for 2 weeks :) I am mostly OK but for those of
you who have not written me for months, I could use a letter :) Also, I was
wondering if the ward could write letters to Sister Matheus, she probably won't
get many for most of her mission. She would love it. She also came with nothing
to the mission. That is one thing president told me, if anyone wants to send he
some things in a package that would be awesome. She really likes candy, and
Ramen stuff. The ones with the different flavors. She could also use some fun
things like pens, a notebook, earrings, a necklace. Maybe if the ward is in need
of a service project that would be a good thing for her. Just get all the
primary kids to draw her pictures. She really needs some love. Her parents are
not active in the church and it is very expensive to send anything from Chuuk.
Let me know if you can do that! Thanks
Love you all
The Church is true
Sister Hoskins
P.S My Comps name is
Kayreen Matheus and you can send anything for her to the mission office.
The Mission Office address is:
1500 S. Beretania St. Ste. 416
Honolulu, HI 96826-1937
Aloha! Hello my
family. I miss you and love you very much! I hope everyone is happy. Right now
I am in large amounts of pain. We went on a hike today for P-day, and guess who
got hurt? This girl! We were jumping on rocks to cross this river and my shoes
were too we,t so I fell on the rock. There is a bump on my knee the size of a
Golf Ball and it hurts a lot. And what did we hike to? A 2 foot waterfall!
Yikes! But other than that everything is pretty good.
We did have a baptism
yesterday. Her name is M. It was really nice. She is such a sweet girl. The
ward loves her and she will be great. I will send you pictures next week
because there should be another baptism this weekend. I am trying to have faith
right now for this next baptism because baptism weeks are HARD! Satan does
everything he can to stop the missionaries and the investigator. This week was
really hard for us because nobody wanted to talk to us. We have not got any
solid investigators or appointments. But we recognized it was Satan so we got through
Sunday was totally insane! So we start out the day trying to get these girls to church. So we wait outside of their house for like an hour and we
missed sacrament but we got them there! It was like pulling teeth! And then at
church we had to make sure they would go to class and do what they were
supposed to do. So that was stressful. Then one of them didn't want to go
to Sacrament so I sat out with her. She really opened up to me and told me
some things that she is going through and DANG! This girl is only 14 years old
and she is going through things that you would not even believe. It makes me so
sad. Jesus must be coming soon because this world is messed up! So that was
stressful. And then The family that is fellowshipping M all got the
stomach flu the day of the baptism so none of them could come! The dad of the family was baptizing her and the daughter was giving a talk, so we had to run
around and get someone to baptize her and give a talk. We asked her if she
wanted to reschedule and she said no. And then we had an Over-the-Phone lesson
with J yesterday and there is a bit of a concern because she apparently
didn't understand some very fundamental doctrine. So we are hoping she gets it
before Sunday. We know that Satan wants so get her, so she needs prayers!
So to
answer your questions, Sister Haws has been here longer so she will most likely
be leaving and I don't know what will happen with me. I think I would be
happier either way but I would like to get off the rock and experience a
different Island. I would really like to experience more of the Hawaiian
culture. I could see them white
washing our area but you never know. There is still a chance that we will
stay together because we have been really successful together. This last
week I have really felt like I needed to prepare all of the books and papers
for new people. I have no idea though, so this will be an interesting transfer.
Please pray for J, and I hope you have a good week
I love you all very
Love me
O my
heck I miss you all so much! That was a really fun letter! I am so excited to
be at BYU-I with Katie, Millie and Alivia! And Porter is Amazing! I didn't
think I was that great of a missionary but I am getting mission blessings out
of the wazoo! I only wish I was there to participate in them but I guess that
defeats the purpose.
this week was pretty good. We still have 2 people set for baptism. They are
starting to announce it in church! We are so excited. So far J has not
smoked. She called the other day and told us that something really stressed
her out at work so she said that all she wanted to do was smoke. So she walked
outside where all her friends were smoking and she really wanted to get some
stress off, but she said she just walked away because she knew Satan was just
trying to stop her and that it was a test that she passed! It was so good.
week we also had a fun experience. We got to go to Activity Days. Because we
are the only sisters in the stake, another ward called us and asked us if we could
talk to their girls. It was a lot of fun. They asked us questions and now they
give us hugs when we see them at church. Dang...I am running out of time... But
we met with W and P again and they really like what we are teaching. I saw them later in the week and they were telling the girl that I was on
exchanges with that she thinks we are doing a great job and that she always
feels so good when we come over. And Exchanges was awesome. I went with a girl
who I served in Honolulu with and she is my leader and she told me that I have
nothing to worry about and that I am a great missionary! That made me really
happy coming from someone else.
We also got to have a pancake Breakfast with
the mission president because we hit all of our goals 2 weeks ago. We were the
first ones in the whole mission to do that! It was pretty awesome! We also had
a super cool miracle this week. Yesterday we were going to a lesson with two of
our members and when we got there the lesson canceled. So we prayed to see
where we should go and we just could not come up with anything! a few minutes
later this car pulls up right next to us and they start loading boxes into
their car so the members got out of their car to help. One member said
"Well here they are now let's teach them!" So he told them that we
were praying for someone to teach and they were it! So we helped them with
their boxes and loaded them into their house and they let us come in and teach
the Restoration! So we taught them, and they said that they would be baptized
and read the Book of Mormon! It was so cool! God sure knows what he is doing.
Our Investigator D came to church this week! He really wanted to and
pretty much invited himself. It was fun. Hopefully he liked it, because Fast
Sunday is sometimes weird for investigators.
Last night was crazy because
we pretty much had 2 dinners! And they were both with Local families. So I had
to eat a lot! Here is a list of what I ate within 3 hours yesterday. Rice,
stew, chicken wings, nachos, cookies, banana, Ice cream, ox tail soup, roast
beef stew, Mochi, and Banana Pie! It was insane. I am easily intimidated by the
locals who tell us that the Elders eat way more than us. I really don't want to
be fat, but it might happen. dang...You might want to renew that Lifetime
membership before I get back. I am going to need it...especially if you ever
want me to get married ! Haha!
sorry I don't have anymore time. I love you. I think I told you the most
important stuff. We are playing Apples to Apples today for P-day.
Amy Hoskins
hello, That was not exactly the email I was expecting. Dang. Why does Grandma
have to have cancer!? That is so dumb! She is the last person in the world that
deserves that. But for some reason I am not too upset right now. I think the Spirit
is telling me that everything will be OK. But I am in a room full of Elders and cannot exactly be emotional right now. Tell her I love her very
much! I will try to send her a package or something.
And I am so grateful that
Liesl did not get eaten! (This is Amy's little dog who had a run-in with a coyote right in our back yard!) You should put a pot and a spoon by the door so you
can make a lot of noise. Is there anything we can do to block things from
getting under the deck and attacking my puppy? I would prefer to have her there
when I get back. Or here is an idea...Send her here! She would totally love the
weather! And we don't have any nasty evil animals here. (we do but they are in
the ocean.
The young men prank called us
this week. It was pretty funny. They were pretending to be this lady who wanted
to baptize her 9 kids. It was pretty funny, I totally believed them for a
while. And we have been trying to figure out what we can do to get them back to
where it is still mature. Have any ideas?
So yeah things are good. I am feeling
much better. Sister Haws and I are having a lot of fun. I am just tired of
trying to figure out how to help our investigators with their one serious
problem. All of them have one problem that usually involves another member of
their family. Ugh! if they only knew what they were missing out on. This
week was just trying to teach people and get them going. A lot of our
investigators are really struggling right now. Sometimes I feel like it
shouldn't be so hard for them, it will only bring joy and happiness. But I did
learn a good lesson this week...OK, lies, this is an ongoing lesson, but I have
learned how important just relying completely on God and the Spirit is. When we
rely on ourselves, the lesson does not go as well when we let God fill our
mouths. Man, the church is so important. I wish everyone would understand. We
watched the Joseph Smith movie with our investigator and it was really awesome
because I have seen that movie a thousand times and I was filled with the spirit
so strong. I just know that Joseph Smith was a prophet. I was having a hard
time holding in my emotions because it was such a solid answer from the spirit.
We have one investigator who looks really promising. Her name is M. She is 13 and her mom is less-active. She has been to church and mutual! Her
mom would totally be OK with her being baptized, so we are excited! We have our
first lesson with her tomorrow! And I guess I got super defensive in a lesson
this week when this guy told his wife that she couldn't learn from us. She is
so ready, but he was being cynical and rude, and I guess I wasn't much of a
happy camper with him! OOOPS! But I think we are going to try to go back. It is
so hard not to get frustrated when someone has such a hard heart and is
stopping someone else from happiness! Well, I guess I am not a good as Jesus
yet! If you mess with my beliefs I am not ready for you to put me to death, I
am still a fighter. I'll work on that. I guess that comes with humility that I
do not have yet.
Well I love you all, and miss you sooo much. Please keep my
grandmas and puppy safe. I love you
Sister Hoskins
P.S. I will be writing
you a very angry letter next week if you don't write me ASAP! Love you! 

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