Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Amy's first letter from the Missionary Training Center:

Hi everybody!

So it turns out we can write you anytime we want in the MTC, so I am going to take advantage of that.  Otherwise, I couldn't write until Wednesday.  I actually feel really good.  I didn't even get close to freaking out.  It was amazing!  I get sad and homesick every once in a while, but we are soooo busy, there is not much time to think about anything else.  We eat, go to class, study, have 1 big meeting, have zone meeting, and study some more, and say prayers for everything.  I feel the Spirit all the time, and it makes me really excited.
 My companion is Sister Grow.  We have 6 beds in our room, and there are only 4 of us.  The two other girls in our room are the only ones not going to Hawaii in our district.  They are going to Washington DC Visitors Center, and the Winter Quarters Visitors Center.  It's hilarious, everyone here is super jealous of us. I love it.
The hardest thing for me in the MTC is calling Elders Elders.I call them guys all the time, and they say "Do not call anyone guys!"  So yeah...that is hard.
I have seen a lot of people I know.  The Branch 1st Counselor is Bro. Lauritzen's uncle.  I have seen Elder Felsted.  He works here now.  I also saw Haley Bateman, and she recognized me.  I also saw Taylor Teeples this morning.  We had one of those moments where you run and scream towards each other.  It was fun.  I have also met a bazillion people going to the Colorado Springs mission.  One of the Elders in my shuttle from the airport is going there.  Elder Boyle is going to be there in a few weeks, and he is amazing!  I hope you get to talk to him.  My district leader is Elder Faitau.  He is the guy from the video we watched (mission call opening video).  He is awesome!  We called it yesterday that he was going to be District Leader.
I have loved the food.  I don't know if I have been very healthy about it, but they have thousands of choices. So far I have had steak and potatoes, a sandwich, cereal (surprise, surprise!), BYU Creamery Ice Cream, and last nights was awesome because I had Hot Wings and Jell-o.  It was wonderful!
I am writing this letter randomly throughout the day, so sorry if it is choppy.
We are starting to have a lot of fun together.  You get to like each other when you spend 24-7 together.  I really like everyone in my district.  I am learning to find the silly spots in everyone.  Satan still works on us a lot, and we have been told that he will work on us the most.  So with how much work fighting Satan is, I have had amazing experiences with feeling the Spirit.  I know this church is true, and I know my Heavenly Father loves me.
I taught my first lesson today to Eder (who is really my teacher), but we treat them like normal investigators, and pray for them and what to teach them, like normal investigators.  I love my teachers.  One of them has a stutter, so he's kinda hard to listen to, but he is really good at teaching.  The other teacher, Bro. Madsen, he always looks like a kid in the candy store.  He is always SUPER excited to teach us.
To end, I had a great experience with an Elder in my District, Elder Hill.  We have to "channel" a non-member or someone who is struggling with the gospel, and try to understand them with the investigator's perspective.  Elder Hill did himself from 3 years ago, and he told me that when I was talking to him, I said things he really needed to hear and he cried, and we just talked for 20 minutes about  how the gospel has changed us.
Well, I love you all.  The Church is true.  Be strong!
Sister Hoskins

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