Thursday, April 18, 2013

HI! Today is my P-Day but my next one will not be for two mondays from now. So that means everyone should Dear Elder me. It is a lot better because I will have more time to read and respond to those. I am a little disappointed that I only received letters from my Mom, the Searings and Anne VanWie(thank you to them!). You should encourage everyone else to Dear Elder me. I won't be able to check Email in a long time so I need some real letters! 
But anyways, Sunday is really different here we have class, studying and sacrament at 2 and there are only 40 of us in sacrament meeting. And they call random people up to the front to talk. Then we have devotional.  This week was the head of media for the church and his talk was awesome! He showed us all of the pictures of the campaigns they are doing in the cities that the Book of Mormon Play is in. It is completely amazing, you should look it up and see. Say london tube stations. He told us that the church is pretty much DOMINATING! And they even have a page in the play book and it says "now that you have seen the play read the book it is better". The church is so awesome!
 And last night we had devotional and the guest speaker was.....drum roll please.....Richard G. Scott!!! It was amazing you would have thought that Justin Bieber was there because people were climbing over chairs to get a good seat and everyone was super hyped up saying "Who is it going to be?....I bet it's the prophet". And when we walked in everyone was star struck. It made me laugh. Our celebrities are different from the rest of the world that is for sure. His talk was amazing! I loved it!
 To answer questions: I did like the cookies, I shared them with my district and they were very happy, the only problem is that we don't have much time to eat it.
My Companion is from Tacoma Washington. There are 8 of us in our district Elder Toone, Hill, Rigby, Faitau, and me, Sister Grow, Truman and Hanks. I love all of the sisters. They are so much fun. We do everything as a district  We eat together walk together, go to the Temple together (which we did today). We have also been naughty and we have been talking and having too much fun instead of studying as much as we should.
My investigators are George, Eder, and Claudia. George was he easiest EVER! He is an inactive and he went in there and we committed him to stop drinking,read the Book of Mormon,pray, and go to church. I don't think we will have anyone like him ever again. The other two are harder and will take a lot more prayers and work. 
I am so happy Sam is going to prom! I wish I was there to see all that go down.  Good luck! I love you all. I have to go.Write me so I can say more.
Sister Hoskins

I Have one more second. I just wanted to say that I love the MTC and it is such a great wonderful spiritual experience. And I love being Sister Hoskins. I love representing my wonderful family and Jesus Christ. Thanks for everything you do for me. Sorry if these letters are not good. I don't have enough time. I love you all so VERY VERY much and miss you every second. Please continue to write I need letters to survive. I will try to print some pictures and send them to you. Love Sister Hoskins

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