Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Aloha Everyone!

I am staying in Kailua this transfer, but I have no idea who will be my companion, so that makes me a little nervous. I am not training. It is pretty hard with Sister Marshall leaving. I got a little more attached this time around, and she is talking about all the fun things she will do with her family, so that makes me a little homesick. But I am doing ok.
Companion love...

Amy and her companion
 I learned a lot this conference about how important this work is and I feel pretty determined to baptize EVERYONE! I have no idea what my favorite talk was. It was all super amazing. I loved it all so much. I liked Nielson's talk (Gifford Nielson) The only problem is that we did watch it at 6 am, so it was pretty hard to stay awake. I only struggled through the really soft spoken speakers-sorry Elder Scott.

 HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAM!! I LOVE YOU!!! And also happy Birthday to Nathan!!!

That is so funny that you guys noticed my hair-I commented that it's a lot lighter. Everyone comments on it. I did not do anything to it, I have just been out in the sun. One of our Members keeps asking me if she can dye my hair red, but I am loving the blonde.

 Investigators are pretty good. Not a lot of progressing at the moment. We need to go out and find more, I know what me and my new companion are doing! Knocking Doors! I am pretty nervous to take over the area. I just want to do a good job and make the ward proud. Our zone is being almost completely redone. It is really good. We are getting a lot of new Elders and 3 new Sisters. It is hard because some of my good friends are being transferred, so we have to start all over again. That is always hard, but I am hopeful. Hopefully I have some blessings stored up.

Thanks for being so great. I love you all very much. I know this church is true!


Sister Hoskins
Let's hope not!

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