Monday, November 18, 2013

Nov. 11, 2013

This is Josephine whom Amy loves.
Hi Everyone! As of yesterday I have been on my mission for 7 months-11 to go! This week was not a lot easier, but it was better. Some cool little things happened. I wasn't sure if we should go see this lady because she is out of our way a lot and she isn't home when we go by, but we did it anyways and she was HOME!! It was pretty good because she let us in and we got to talk to her. She just needs a little more heart-softening and she will be ready. Also, I was just trying to decide where to tract and I decided on this street, and the first house we prayed with this lady.  After we were done praying, we looked up and she was crying.  It was cool because I really felt like I followed the Spirit on that one.  I got to look her in the face and tell her how much her Heavenly Father loves her. She has a busy schedule so I hope we will get to talk with her. We also got to go see that family I told you about and it was NOT good. They were not interested, and they cornered me with some really deep doctrine questions and they got me very confused so I fumbled all over myself.  They thought I was stupid. So it was really hard but I am getting over it. I hate when your testimony starts shaking and you cannot do a lot about it. I know Heavenly Father loves me even though I might mess up at teaching.

 We also went to Pearl Harbor again (they double booked us) So that was fun. I got to see more of the ship this time. I even kind of know my way around it. 
Not Pearl Harbor, but some other beautiful place.

There is no longer a baptism for the 17th.  She is just not ready. I really don't know what she needs, but I'll keep praying to see what we can teach her. I don't think that we will see a baptism this transfer, but it is OK. I also had a very humbling experience this week,but I realized that the Spirit was speaking to me and I wasn't listening. It could have just helped a lot of things if I listened.

Anyway, I feel like I will be leaving. A few things have happened that make me think that I might be leaving. I want to and don't want to. I always feel like saying goodbye to people, though, which hasn't happened before.  Last night we ate with a family and I said I might be leaving, and she was like "No Sister Hoskins, you are not leaving!" It made me feel really good. We tried to get this guy to church-I was naughty and made him swear on the Book of Mormon-because he always promises to come to church but never follows through, and he didn't come! So now I am going to get struck by lightning! Awesome! 

Anyway, we also had President interviews and that was awesome and tons of fun, I hung out and talked with Sister Warner-it was the best. The BEST part of the week is that we learned that we are getting I-Pads!!!!!!! It is going to be so awesome. They are taking $100 out of our 400 a month and getting us all I pads, hopefully by January! But we don't know for sure. And the awesome thing is that we will get to keep them once we go home! We get to be on chat on for 2 hours a day. I might not need my camera after all because we can take pictures with the i-pads. That also means that we get to use facebook, I don't know how that will work yet, but I do know it is on our own account. It is going to be amazing for missionary work.  It is going to work so much better.  So yeah, we are super excited! 

How is everything at home? Anything interesting happen? Hows the weather? It is raining non-stop here. We get a flash flood warning everyday...nothing yet. I think everything is going to be OK with me,  Thanks for your prayers.  I love you all.

Love, Me


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