Monday, November 4, 2013

Oct. 27, 2013

Thank you for all of your letters. I am so grateful for all of you.  You're amazing!

So this week was very different from the last one. We did A LOT of work. We got 6 new investigators this week! It was pretty AWESOME! We went on exchanges and that is where me and the other sister got most of them. We have at least 2 that seem solid enough to teach them consistently. So that is great. I have been pretty stressed, but it is OK because things have gone pretty good. We lost S, our marine, as an investigator because the Elders took him. But I will still count him, and as long as he gets baptized, I guess I cannot get mad about it. But AH set a date: NOV 17!! So that is awesome, and her husband quit smoking Cold Turkey yesterday. I talked to him, and he is doing good. He says baptizing his wife is enough motivation to quit smoking, so WAHOO!! I am so excited for them. They are the best!  We taught a lot of lessons this week so that was great. We are teaching a new family. When we first met them they let us into their house, and the kids showed us their rooms and pets, and they totally loved us, so I am excited to start teaching them. We are also a teaching a 16 year old girl and she is really cool too, and her parents let us teach her, which is a total miracle!

So, funny story, we keep having interesting run-ins with the Jehovah's Witnesses. We were doing one of our normal visits to this old lady with Dementia, and while we were with her there was a knock on the door and is was the Jehovah's Witnesses, and the lady said that she wanted them to meet us, and let me tell you... AWKWARD!  It was really funny because once they noticed it was us, they got really uncomfortable, but they were nice for the most part.  We also were walking down the street and a car of them pulled over, and they were like "Oh, we thought you were Witnesses! You are Mormons?" We got to talk to them for a while.  They were really nice. And here is another funny story. After we got done teaching a lesson, our ward mission leader was like "There is a video you have to see! It is about missionaries." So we were watching it, and it was in New York where missionaries started singing on a subway. Well as we watched, here comes Elder Rogers on the screen! That threw me for a loop! It was really fun to see someone I knew like that...super random but awesome!

Anyway, I am IN LOVE with my ward right now. They are the best. I have been talking to them a lot about our less-actives and how we need to work with them more, and everyone is totally on board!  Everyone has been visiting and helping us a lot with our investigators...I love them. And this Sunday President and Sister Warner spoke in our ward, so that will help the missionary work pick up a little. We also just had our Trunk or Treat, it was really fun! I loved seeing everyone. We also got to go Trunk or Treating which was awesome. I am eating candy like a fat kid just because this is my first candy stash is a couple of years. 

Today we went mini Golfing for P-day and it was fun. I did not win, but I did not lose either. For Halloween, we are probably going to go to a haunted house (which is surprisingly not against the rules) and we are going to play games, cook chili and roast marshmallows! So I am looking forward to that. They told us to do couples costumes, so me and my companion are going to be our mission president and his wife. It is going to be hilarious.

I love you all and miss you so much you are the greatest! Sorry I ran out of time I would tell you more!

Love, Sister Hoskins (did you know that nobody in Hawaii can say Hoskins? Weird.)

P.S Will you hate me if I come home fat?
P.P.S Pray that I don't die of heat.
P.P.P.S I love the gospel!  

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