Monday, May 6, 2013

Here is a letter we received last week.

Dear Brother and Sister Hoskins:

It is a pleasure to write to you of your daughter's arrival in the Hawaii Honolulu Mission.  she was met at the airport where she arrived well and in good spirits.  Her companion was carefully selected to insure her of a proper introduction to missionary work here, and we are confident that their relationship will be a mutual blessing.

At the Mission Home we took a snapshot of Sister Hoskins with Sister Dalton and me, which we enclose for you.

Thank you for sharing your daughter with us.  We already love her as one of our own and are thrilled to have her in this mission.

Weekly encouragement from home will certainly help inspire greater missionary effort.  Mail to your daughter should be sent to:

Missionary name (First, Middle Initial, and Last)
Hawaii Honolulu Mission
1500 South Beretania Street, Suite #416
Honolulu, Hawaii 96826

First class and priority mail can be forwarded without cost.  The other services (Federal Express, DHL, UPS) do charge to forward mail which we collect from the missionary.


John C. Dalton

I hope you enjoy this picture of Amy as much as I do.  She looks so happy!

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