Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Aloha Everyone

July 1, 2013

Aloha Everyone! First of all, I think that it is kinda funny that it is so hot in the "mainland"! It sounds like you all are living in hell. Everything is burning and hot! I am sorry I guess I am the only one that made it to paradise! heehee! No, it is summer, so it is getting hotter, but I think it doesn't get much over 90, and it seems like there is less of a breeze. We went to the zoo today as a zone and it was hecka hot.

This week has been really quite hard. We thought that we found a miracle, but to our mortal knowledge it did not end up being a miracle, so no baptisms for us. If nothing else, I don't know if I have ever prayed so hard in my life. We were really discouraged yesterday, but I prayed and prayed, and I was filled with peace. The scripture that kept going through my head was the one that talks about "neither are your ways my ways". We just didn't understand why we couldn't just get these Baptisms, but I now have a better testimony of the fact that our timeline for ourselves does not match the timeline God has for us. Geesh! You would think that I would know that by now! But anyway, yesterday was NUTS!! We were about to baptize this guy (our less-active that we called Salt Lake for and they said they didn't have his records), and then we found out that we spelled his name wrong, and he actually has church records! We were not happy!  And we talked to this person who is REALLY SMART!! I felt my brain melting.Here is the climax of our week. It was awesome because we got to meet the new mission President and his wife! We were one of the first to meet him because they live in our ward. And they are sooo awesome! We had so much fun talking to him, and now he thinks that we are great!! So now he likes us and knows us better than anyone else. While we were out in the foyer talking to him, this guy walks into the church, walks up to a member and says, "I have lived across the street for 20 years and I want to join your church! Where do I sign up?" So the member brings him over to us, and he goes to Sunday school.We told President what just happened, and he thought it was just about the coolest thing ever because they just got here that night, so this was their first cool missionary story. They were so happy, and they wrote it all down. President kept telling the members how awesome their sisters were (ME!!). Anyway, so this random guy walks in, and he comes out of Sunday School and is like, "My whole family has been atheists, and I have been in there for 5 minutes and I am a believer!" So we were like "Holy Cow this is our miracle!" and the new President and his wife were just jumping out of their skin to see what happened with him.  So he comes out of class, and was like "OK teach me! What do I need to know? What do I have to do to sign up!" So, I am sorry to put a damper on this story, but he is pretty much Phillip from Survivor. He could be his brother. He kept talking about how he got shot as a private detective, how everyone wants to kill him, and how his IQ is much higher than a lot of people. He also told us he is mentally ill. He also got WAY too fresh with us and made us feel really uncomfortable, and he couldn't stop commenting on how HUGE my eyes were. He also said how he enjoys being taught by two beautiful women (yikes!), but he really wants to join the church. He was asking us just to teach him everything because he wants to be baptized. He phrased it as "put me on the fast track!". He said he has looked at a lot of churches and he wants to be in this one. So we have an appointment with him tonight and we asked our District Leader to come with us to protect us. Some of the things he was saying, we knew we should not teach him alone. So we will see how that goes, maybe he will be perfectly normal tonight, we will see.

 So we are praying that this week is better. It should be because it is the 4th of July! There are lots of fireworks, but we have to be in early so we don't get to see any :( But there is a ward Picnic that everyone is looking forward to. So that will be awesome!) I also got this awesome striped dress and that same Elder (the one who calls her Kitty Girl and Sister America) called me a Popsicle! What a turd! I am still wearing it, though. I don't care what they say. And after I got all offended, he tried to redeem himself by saying "A very pretty popsicle". Elders... I guess they are still boys. NO, they are awesome.  Our zone is awesome. 

OK, to answer questions: We sang "Abide With Me" in church. ( and people are still talking about it, I really don't think that we are THAT good, but whatevers) I got the Ukulele at a music store here in Honolulu. Hopefully I will learn how to play from my Companion. I know 3 notes!!! The Lei was made out of flowers only. And speaking of those, how many should I get for the wedding? And where are they going on their Honeymoon....it better not be Hawaii.  I finally recovered from the hike (Physically at least) I was limping for three days. My companion thought that it was hilarious. Ok so apparently the Worldwide leadership conference is going to change EVERYTHING!!! The zone leaders had a meeting today and they said that there are some crazy things President said. But because we are in presidents ward, we heard a few things..So apparently we are going to get mini I-pads eventually and sit in the church answering mormon.org emails and giving church tours! Because tracting is not working as well. Apparently in one mission, a general authority told the missionaries to open up to the tracing part of Preach my Gospel and cross it out!! It was good that I wasn't there cuz I probably would have yelled HALLELUJAH!!  We will get to use Facebook somehow. So hopefully those changes will come sooner than later. It will really help the work move more efficiently. At least in our area, tracting does not work! Also, for my Birthday you can send me stuff, but not spend too much money. I really do need to make sure I can get to college. I really just want a letter from everyone. Mahalo! 

Some days I really like being a missionary, and some days it is harder than anything ever, but I really do feel my Savior a lot stronger in my life, and that makes it all worth it in the end. I hope all goes well with everyone there on the mainland. I hope your cars work and you stay happy and safe. I also need more letters! 
Love you all very much, I am proud of you too! 

Sister Hoskins

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