Monday, September 9, 2013

Hello Everyone! 

So there has been a lot of drama around the mission lately, because President is changing A LOT of things in the mission. He is pretty much cutting off the interactions between Sisters and Elders, which makes sense, but it makes everyone sad because we are all becoming good friends, but now we cannot see each other. They are having a council today to decide more on it, so I hope we get to see everyone a little bit.

 We didn't really know it was Labor Day until a few days ago, but it doesn't mean much to us anyway right now. We have done absolutely nothing today. We woke up and did our studies and then went back to sleep. Then we watched the Joseph Smith movie and Legacy, and wrote letters, and now I am here writing you. It is hecka weird that it is already 8 where you guys are.(4 o'clock her time.)

 Investigators always drive me crazy, some of them just will not cooperate, but M is great, and he is going to be baptized.  We worked on his Baptism program last time we talked to him. T is good and wants to be baptized, but she cannot get to church or lessons because of stupid basketball. Her son plays 6 games a week. She says she would love to go to church, but really cannot because of her schedule. It stinks. We have been praying and fasting for her. 

So there are two things on a mission that get you as excited as going to Disney Land, and those are: going to the temple and General Conference. I am so excited that General Conference is coming up, I could DIE! I know crazy huh? I think about it coming and I get little excited chills. I kind of feel the same way when the conference Ensign came out. The only sucky thing about it is that it is broadcast here at 6 am, but I am so excited just to soak it in! I might even cry when it is over. I have been reading the conference Ensign and there is one that you guys should read for your family home evening.  It is Stand Strong in Holy Places by Robert D. Hales. It is sooo good and really helped me. You guys should read it. I was also thinking that we should read the Book of Mormon together next year. I will probably be done by November, but it would be fun if we read the Book of Mormon together and kept going together when I get home. The other day we didn't have time to do our studies, and I thought that i was going to die! The next day I almost hugged my scriptures because I missed them so bad. I totally did not feel like myself when I didn't get to read. I was kinda grumpy because I just wanted to go home and read my scriptures. I love the Book of Mormon, It is my best friend right now. Everyone should keep reading it.  It is so worth it. I totally didn't believe people when they talked about how they need the scriptures. Now I know. It really is like being hungry when you don't read, and once you open it up, it is like eating your favorite food after being starving. Ok I am done with my cheesy Missionary moment. 

Shredding the pork-in a skirt!

So this weekend we had a luau! It was pretty sweet! They did a real Emu where they stick the pig in the ground. They open up the pig and take out all his insides, and then they stick lava rocks inside to cook him inside out. Then they wrap him in tea leaves and burlap bags and light a fire and cook for six hours. It was a 400 pound pig. So we got there to get the pig out, and then we helped shred it. We took his ribs and shredded his meat with his own a skirt. It was pretty awesome, and I wasn't grossed out either. Even when the tongue was hanging out of it's mouth. And let me tell you! He was Delicious!!!! I also played the Ukulele for the Young Women. Six of them did a hula, and some of us played and sang. I stunk it up, but it was fun. I wore that mu mu we got at Goodwill and made it all cute. I will send a picture. And all of the men did the Haka -including our investigator. He is already a member-he participates in everything!

The Goodwill Mumu
looking cute.
To answer your questions: YES IT IS HOT!!! September is apparently the worst month of all. I have never sweated so much in my life!  If you want to see something I have seen lately look up China Man's Hat. We played Frisbee there. 
China Man's Hat

I love you all very much you are the best. Have a good week. Don't do anything stupid.
Love ME

P.S Don't forget about me, there was a lot of empty mailbox moments this week. 

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