Today was our P-Day because we got to go to the TEMPLE!!! It was AMAZING!! I love the Temple so much and I just want to go back and do another session right now..but I have to wait another 12 weeks
Tomorrow is transfers, and I don't have to go for once! I am staying here with Sister Marshall and I am killing her here. This does not mean that there is a prison term for Amy in the future. This means that Amy will be her companion when she goes home. That means I will probably be here for another transfer after that, unless I train, and that will probably be 2 to 3 morem so we will see. I am happy to stay. I am going to get even more tan and maybe get in shape a little.
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Olives! |
The investigators are good,We have been asked to not put names of investigators out in public for their privacy, so hereafter this person will be known as M. M is getting Baptized!!! He will be baptized on September 29th! YAY! Also T is super super Golden! She is doing soo good. She loves and believes everything we say, and she is amazing. The only problem is still her schedule because it stops them from getting to church. So, hopefully she figures out that she needs to get to church. Also, cool fact, the head basketball coach of the University of Hawaii is in my ward. I knew he was into basketball, but I just learned this week that he is the head coach. So that was cool, and I also met a member who flew the president's Helicopter (for Bill Clinton) and he had some dirt on him! And, apparently Obama is going to be here during Christmas so hopefully I am not here then, or I convert him...those are the only 2 options (or kick him in the face but...yeah). We are also teaching this old guy named J. He has lived alone for 20 years, and he forgets almost everything we teach him, but he loves us! He has been meeting with the Jehovah's Witness for a few years and he said that nothing they ever taught him made him feel the way we make him feel. He stops us all the time and says, "I like the way you two girls talk!" We told him it was the Spirit. I think he was a bit of a womanizer in his past, so he is silly around us, so we asked him if he wanted us over because of what we teach or because we are cute. He says he likes what we teach too, so that is good, and he is progressing.
Ok, so crazy story of the week. We were teaching our investigator MA, (she is really sweet and she always has food for us), so we were visiting her and it went really well. To preface this a little bit, on my mission I have learned a lot about the reality of God, but I have come to also be very, very aware of Satan. It was a miracle because we showed her the Restoration Video without any technology problems or disruptions, which never happens. The spirit was really there, and it was super awesome, and we were about to invite her to be baptized, and then CRASH!!! There was a stinkin' car crash right in front of her house! If that wasn't enough, it happened to be her sister-in-law! Coincidence? I think not! It wasn't too bad, so before she was going to leave to go see if she was OK, we asked her if we could say a prayer for her sister-in-law. I said the prayer really fast, but when we looked up everyone was gone! You would not have even known. I guess it was just a little rear ending accident so they didn't need to call anyone. She was all like "Wow! that prayer really worked!" So what I learned from this experience is, that even though Satan tries all his stuff, God can still help if we have faith. He can make a situation that could have been bad into something good.
But everything is pretty good, except the heat! I have never sweated so much in my life! But yeah, I am doing better and hopefully we will get some good baptisms.
I love you all, stay active or I will Beat you!
Love Sister Hoskins
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