Monday, June 3, 2013

Hello Everyone! I did nothing special today (Memorial Day) There is this lantern thing that they do tonight where they put lanterns on the ocean to honor the dead, and I wanted to do that, but apparently there are going to be like 30,000 people there, so i'm not so sure. It would be a good place to talk to people but way too crowded. Plus we have dinner soo...

 I did go to a picnic with the deaf group in our ward it was quiet, but good. I hung out with the hearing teenagers at the end and we had a lot of fun playing games. And I ate something weird. Their hot dogs are bright RED! It was really weird in appearance and taste. And their beef hamburgers were not beef!  But other than that it was pretty good. I didn't have my companion with me because she had a meeting, so one of the members was my companion, but I liked it because I was the missionary and I got to get to know people better. Transfers are next Wednesday, and I don't know what will happen, but we are pretty sure we are going to stay together  We want to stay together so I can still get help from Sister Clayson. 

Honestly, I am tired of eating! I wish I did not have to do it anymore. Plus in Kahala there are only a handful of restaurants and we have gone out to each of them a few times. Members here really like to take us out or just give us money to buy stuff.

Amy's picture from the hike to Manoa Falls
 I have not played rugby yet  We are running out of miles, so we are not able to drive to the field in the morning. We have not hiked Koko Head yet and I am not crying about it. I am not totally excited to get up at 3 in the morning to go hike the mountain of death.

 This week for service we went to this less active members house and cleaned up all her stuff in the backyard. I made a lot of new cockroach friends. It is so funny-whenever there is one in our apartment Sister Clayson runs after it with Raid screaming, "Die You Freakin' Idiot!" It is really funny! 

Well the investigators are doing pretty good. One needs to stop smoking by June I am hoping for that one. Rio, our Japanese one, is still praying about it. And our last appointment with Bill Crawley was really good. This was the first time he just sat and listened. And he was really into the restoration video. I love him, though he is just really lonely and needs friends. He almost cried when we talked about how much we loved him and wanted to continue meeting with him. He is such a sweet man, but apparently his wife is not at all interested and that was really surprising. So that was sad. We are trying to be optimistic but tracting is not doing much good. We may have one return appointment that will work out but we don't know. People are not as receptive here.

 As hard as it is sometimes, though, I am grateful to be here. The refiners fire is a lot more fun when you get out, not while you are in it. I do know this church is true and I have been letting Satan do his same junk by telling me I am not good enough, but I am starting to see how much my Heavenly Father loves me and what my purpose is here. I am trying to stay positive and always be grateful. I want to make sure that I am following Christ, I know that there is no other way to be happier! We talked to a non-member man a few days ago who just lost his wife and he said that he had a dream of her standing in front of a beautiful building and she couldn't wait to to tell him something. So, um...yeah she was in front of the temple trying to tell him about the gospel. So we have been praying for her help to tell him to listen to us. I love you all so much and I hope all is going well. 

There are supposed to be fishermen in this picture, but it's very small.

 Love you, 
Sister Hoskins

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