Thursday, June 20, 2013

Well HELLo! 

I guess hell is trying to get our family for sure! I wonder what the heck is going on!! My week was the same way!(crazy things, fires, accidents, etc.) I had a bladder infection, and I spent 3 hours in the doctors office, and I just felt terrible all week! Plus, the baptism was canceled because she didn't want to get baptized, and our investigators are not doing anything they should be!! UGH!!! Plus, one of them is just so confused it is sad. She denies that Satan is real and that there isn't one way back to God because he is too loving to let anyone go to Hell.

And then I wake up Saturday morning and Grandma(the lady she lives with) is talking to me, and asked me where I am from.  I said Colorado Springs and she is like, "Oh where they are having those big fires?" I thought she was referring to last summer, and then she said "Yeah, there have already been like 400 houses burned down." Me being me, I wanted to figure out what the HECK was going on, so I called President to see if I could look things up on the internet. He gave me permission to but he said, "You know Sister Hoskins, your family is blessed while you're out, and they are safe!" So I didn't check because I didn't want to be distracted, but that night we had a baptism and someone asked me where I am from. They started talking about the fire, I asked them where it was, and he was like, "Oh, in a place called the Black Forest. Do you know where that is?" Sister Rowley said my faced changed a lot, and I could just feel the sadness coming. I didn't know how fast the fire was moving, I knew it would have to burn through a lot of city to get to you guys, but I was really worried about the Kellers. I am glad their house is ok. Everyone here is like, "You need to get out of there. God is destroying Colorado!" But I will always be loyal to my Colorado! Everyone hasn't really worried about it here, and I am like "Do you understand what is happening to my Beautiful Colorado Springs?!! These are my people! 400 Homes!!!" But I am ok. I know Heavenly Father will help those people. That is so awesome how they did that Clothing Drive. You should take all my stuff over there. I am going to be too fat for them anyways! JK I can't be naked when I get back!

Well I am not going to lie, this week was rough! Not a lot of good things happened missionary work wise. A lot of unopened doors and hard hearts. But you know, I don't feel too dragged down because I got a lot closer to my Heavenly Father. When there are a lot of things that are out of your control, you just have to trust in the one who has control.Sister Rowley and I are getting along and trying to have fun. We had a tender mercy on Saturday. We were soo hot and tired during tracting, and for half of it we heard the stupid ice cream man's music.  We did not like him taunting us! But we got to the end of this street and there goes the ICE CREAM MAN!! We flagged him down and got Ice Cream and it was awesome! 

Also, today was way fun. We did that waterfall hike again, and me and some elders jumped in a mud puddle and totally freaked the people out that were walking up the trail as we were going down. Another Elder and I were talking about what superhero we we could be and I said captain America...Obviously! And he is like "No..Do you know Cat Woman? You would be her except you would be Kitty Girl!" Wow...That was annoying! It was super fun, though. I was so muddy. All of the Polynesian Elders were like, "You are the same color as us now!" It was fun being a Polynesian for a while.

So one of our members told us to write something spiritual in our letters home because it really makes a difference for the people who read it so I will. 
My spiritual thought is "Do you know how lucky we are!??" We are so lucky that we have the gospel and that our families are strong members of the church. It amazes me. So many people here, especially less actives, could be so much happier if all of their family was in the church. It is so hard to see people not coming to church because their family members won't go with them. Their testimonies are really weak now and it is so sad. And that is one reason why one of our investigators won't get baptized, because the family won't be okay with it. It is so so sad to think about the blessings they are missing. Sometimes we walk away from the door saying "If only they knew what they were saying no to". I have never been as happy as when I am close to my Savior. He is everything. How can people stand living without him? It just makes me so sad. I am so blessed I cannot imagine my life without the Gospel of Jesus Christ! I love my Heavenly Father! And I love you all very much.

 Have a good week, and I don't want to hear anything about car accidents or brain injuries ok? Geesh! Just be safe! 
Love ya
Sister Hoskins

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